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ORF of chloride channel 6 (CLCN6), transcript variant ClC-6c in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.

ORF of chloride channel 6 (CLCN6), transcript variant ClC-6c in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.

Gene No.: NM_021736
Cat No.: CH865200
Gene Name: CLCN6
Gene Length: 1062 bp
Molecular Weight: 38.94 kDa
Restriction sites: SgfI_MluI
Price: Quote
Turnaround Time: Inquire

  • Product Information
  • DNA Sequence
  • Protein Sequence
  • Note To Purchase

Product name: Human ORF cDNA Clone

Specifications: 500ul Glycerol Stock

Shipping & Storage Conditions:
Product shipped at ambient temperature. Upon receiving, please store at -80 degree for long-term storage.

Product features:
1.All Human ORF genes are fused to C-terminal Flag & His tags;
2.All the ORF clones contains puromycin gene for stable cell line construction;
3.All the ORF clones includes kanamycin gene for positive clone selection. Its recommended working concentration is 30 ug/mL.

Handling instruction:
Streak the bacteria onto an LB agar plate. Incubate at 37 °C for overnight. Inoculate a single colony into fresh LB medium and culture overnight at 37 °C in a shaking incubator. Then extract the plasmid and sequence verification.
PS: We recommend that you should sequence it(them) upon receiving your plasmid(s).

Note:If you have any questions about how to use the product, please contact our technical support. Our email address is



WZ Biosciences' full-length cDNA clones are typically derived from human cDNAs. While 70% of our clones are identical to RefSeq or GenBank sequences, some of our cDNA clones do contain authentic SNPs that may differ from the curated RefSeq sequences by one or more nucleotides. It is highly recommended that the purchaser checks the clone sequence carefully prior to purchase. Each of our clones contains a complete Open Reading Frame (ORF) based on GenBank record in 2013, but future updates of GenBank may alter the RefSeq sequences. All of our clones are fully sequenced and validated by NextGen sequencing and match with the sequence provided on our website.

WZ Biosciences' products are to be used only for research purpose only. They may not be used for any other purposes, including, but not limited to, in vitro diagnostic purposes, therapeutics, or in humans.

WZ Biosciences' products may not be transferred to any third parties, resold, modified for resale, or used to manufacture commercial products or to provide a service to other third parties without prior written approval from WZ Biosciences, Inc.
Your use of this product is also subject to compliance with the licensing requirements listed above and described on the product’s web page at It is your responsibility to review, understand and adhere to any restrictions imposed by these statements.